A quick intro to the FIRE movement

It’s the 30 year old movement you may have never heard of.

And yet most of you are a part of it.

FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early.

It initially started in 1992 as a movement to sacrifice to the EXTREME in order to reduce your expenses to nothing.

Then you save 80% of your income until you have enough to cover your (next to nothing) spending.

It was pretty unpalatable to anyone who thinks that life is meant to be lived. And that’s why you never heard of it.

But that was then.  

Over the last 10 years, it’s taken on different forms.  

That first version is now called “Lean FIRE” (for obvious reasons).

One of the new-ish ones is something Financial Zen has been a ringleader of, but just not in name.  

All of our Financial Zen Members are actually part of the “Fat FIRE” community.

Fat Fire follows the Financial Zen tenant of “Spend money, but don’t waste it”.

If you hop on r/fatfire you’ll find a lot of tech employees, small biz owners, funded founders and others who took full advantage of the opportunities they were given.

And now they have enough – or on track to have enough – to retire in their 30’s, 40’s or early 50’s. (Sound familiar?)

There are other FIRE’s like Chubby FIRE and Coast FIRE, but personally, I’d like to start one called maybe “Dent FIRE”.

As in you FIRE so you can go make your “dent in the universe”. 

At any rate, I had my first Discovery Call last week with someone who is “in the movement”. It was the best Discovery Call I’ve ever had. He was obsessed with our content and felt like he found “his home.”

So expect much, much more content on how you can get on the FIRE train because those are the types of people I’m want to attract.

The FIRE Advisor (does that have legs?)