Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison were 100% wrong

As you may know, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and Thomas Edison invented the phonograph (aka the record player).

But did you know their intentions were the mirror image of what we would come to use these devices for?  

Thomas Edison invented the phonograph thinking that people would record themselves talking on these little wax discs and send them through the mail for the recipient to listen to.

Meanwhile, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone thinking that people could listen to live concerts without actually being there.

Obviously, we’d end up using record players to listen to music and telephones to communicate with friends.

But something tells me they didn’t beat themselves up too much for getting it “wrong.” 

So keep that in mind if you misfired this week. 

The important part is that you’re trying to make forward progress with good intentions. 

Inevitably, along the way, you’ll get some things wrong.

And that’s okay. You’re in good company.