Complete your highest priority tasks first.

Chest Mondays, back/bis Tuesdays, cardio Wednesdays, shoulders/abs Thursdays, legs Fridays.

That’s been my workout split for years, but recently I noticed my shoulders and abs were lagging. So now I do abs and shoulders on Monday and Tuesday instead.

That’s just a simple example of eating the frog, that famous Brian Tracy quote.

When I used to cold call, I’d complete my daily call volume before doing my paperwork. 

I want to save $10,000 a month, so I set it aside before I reward myself with splurges. 

I want to continually level up, so I get to the office by 6:30am so I have an hour study/read/practice before my day starts.

Completing the tasks that will get me to my highest priority goals come first.

That way at the end of a long day, if run out of gas before I wanted to, I know at least I got the most important action items accomplished.

How do you prioritize your goals?  

You know I love hearing about life hacks, so let me know what works for you!