Here’s what I’ve learned after publishing 553 pieces of content

Since March 25, 2021, I’ve published 553 pieces of content.

You can find it all here: the 250+ articles from the old weekly blog)

You learn a lot doing something this hard on a daily basis. 

Here’s the top five things I’ve learned so far.

#1 The hardest part is putting yourself out there

Writing/recording is easy compared to clicking “send”. It feels like you’re standing half-naked on stage in a physique competition asking to be judged every single day. But with every publish, it gets easier and easier. 

#2 Your most important things should be daily things

I’m convinced making this a daily habit has had a 10X impact. Much more so than if it was a weekly or monthly task. Your highest priorities should get daily attention because what gets your daily attention will improve the most. 

#3 Even when you can’t feel it, it’s helping

Hearing our Financial Zen Members reference something I wrote 8 months ago that influenced their decision today is powerful stuff. But it doesn’t happen everyday and that’s okay because I know it’s still working.  

#4 Some will. Some won’t. So what? Next!

I took unsubscribers VERY personally in the beginning – like I would let it ruin my day.  But now I realize they just weren’t “my people”. And that’s okay. I’m not writing for THEM. 

#5 To teach is to learn

Finding NEW ways to explain OLD things or finding FIRST ways to explain NEW things has expanded the depth and breadth of my knowledge tenfold this year. 

Thanks sticking with me the last year! 

If I’ve helped you in even the teeniest, tiniest way, it’s all been worth it!