Point B Is The Easy Part

I don’t need help envisioning a 6-pack.

I’ve been there before, so how hard could it be to get there again? (At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself.)

A 6-pack is Point B. We don’t need much motivation to envision the future we want. 

Point B is the easy part. 

The last 9 months, I’ve been a victim of my own success. 

We’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time – or the mental bandwidth – to work out consistently.

In fact, other than COVID this is the least consistent my workouts have ever been.

But I’d look in the mirror and tell myself it’s not so bad. Right on the other side of my growing waistline are my abs. They’re just within reach.

And then life forced me to get brutally honest with myself this weekend.

It was one of “those” pictures. You know the ones that make you go “Wait, THAT’S what I look like?”

It was a wake-up call. I could no longer rationalize away my Point A. It’s a lot further away from Point B than I thought. The gap between the two is now a canyon.

So I made that picture the screen saver on my phone where it will remain until Point B is achieved.

Whether it’s our weight or our careers or our money, it’s really hard to be brutally honest about your Point A.

If you want your own wake up call for your money, pull up your most recent Social Security Statement. 

On the 3rd page, the Medicare column lists how much you earned every single year of your career.

Now compare that to how much you’ve saved.  

Most people are shocked to see how much they’ve made, but how little they have to show for it.

If that’s you, take a picture of the Medicare column and set that as your screen saver.

Then every time you look at your phone, you’ll get an unavoidable reminder of your Point A.

What we focus on, improves.

Social Security Statement Sample: