The Real Benefit of Hiring An Expert

Nicole and I are freshly back from two weeks in Italy.

One of the many adventures we had was a few days in the Piedmont wine region.

We went there partially because Stanley Tucci did (amazing show!), but mostly because Nicole’s gotten really into wine this year.

She’s read a whole lotta books.

She’s watched a ton of YouTube.

She’s done a bunch of taste tests. (I personally helped her with this part of her research.)

Nicole knew more about wine than anyone else I personally know even BEFORE we went to the motherland.

One of the days we were there, we hired a local 5th-generation winemaker who gives personal day tours around Piedmont (with tastings of course).

Another day, we spent an entire afternoon with a local wine merchant who’s an international wine judge in his spare time.

And as we were leaving on the third day, Nicole turned to me and said…

“I learned more about wine in the last two days than I have in the last 9 months reading and watching and tasting.”

And there you have it.

You do NOT need a financial planner.

You can get by just fine reading and watching and tasting personal finance. (JK – please don’t lick your money.)

But if you want to collapse time to learn and achieve more in two days than you could in 9 months on your own…

…then maybe you hire a good financial planner because you WANT to, not because you NEED to.