There’s no such thing as “bad with money”

“Oh, I’m just bad with money.”

“Oh, I’m just bad at public speaking.”

“Oh, I’m just bad at sales.”

“Oh, I’m just bad at [fill in the blank].”

Whatever [fill in the blank] is for you, it’s just simply not true.  

Sorry. (Or you’re welcome?)

Anyone can get good at anything with enough time and effort.  

You’re not bad at sales because you’re bad at sales. You’re bad at sales because you haven’t done it enough.

You’re bad at public speaking because you haven’t talked in front of groups very much, not because you have “bad public speaking” DNA.

You’re not good with money because you don’t spend enough time managing it and learning about it and practicing your money skills.

Personally, I’ve always felt I’m “not good on my feet.” But that’s not true, I just don’t use that muscle very much. 

I could take an improv class. Or I could hire a sales coach. Or I could practice objection handling as part of my daily routine. 

But telling myself I’m just not good on my feet makes me a victim and disempowers me.

So I’m changing the story I tell myself to “I’m not fast on my feet because I haven’t done it enough.”

You’ll be good at sales when you’ve done it enough.

You’ll be good at public speaking when you’ve done it enough.

And you’ll be good with money when you’ve done it enough.