3 Business Lessons from “A Charlie Brown Christmas”

The runner-up for the best Christmas show of all time is “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. It’s brimming with valuable business & life lessons.

My top 3 are:

  1. Work for something bigger than yourself. Charlie Brown was working to eliminate the materialism of Christmas. Big goals require big work. It will be harder, take longer and cost more than we could ever imagine. So our goal has to be more meaningful than personal reward, otherwise, we won’t stay motivated to endure the tough road ahead.
  2. Go at it alone if you have to. The other kids literally laughed him out of the room. No one would join him in his crusade to save Christmas. But he trusted his vision and did the hardest thing anyone can do – he broke from the tribe. A big vision requires a willingness to venture into the wild on our own. Most often a new path is carved by a single individual.
  3. It’s always darkest before the dawn. He bought a tree, hung an ornament and watched it keel over under the weight. Charlie walks away feeling utterly defeated. And at that moment the universe decided he had paid his dues. Out of nowhere the tribe appears, fixes the tree and unite in chorus around its shimmering beauty. When it feels like things can’t get any worse and we’re about to give up, we are always closest to our goal.